If your are experiencing severe back pain and you can't stand up straight,you probably have a disc problem.If it hurts when you cough,sneeze,laugh and bear down like you're having a bowel movement,you probably have a disc problem.Pain in the front of your leg means the problem is with L4 nerve root.On the side of your leg indicates a L5 nerve root.Back of the leg means S1 nerve root. To keep it simple,there are basically three types of disc protrusions,lateral,medial,and central.The closer to central disc problem,the higher the chance that you may need back surgery.IF YOU HAVE FOOT DROP,GET TO A HOSPITAL QUICKLY TO AVOID PERMANENT DAMAGE.If you have pain down the right leg for example,and raising your left leg increases the pain ,you have a right medial disc problem in 85% of the time.You should avoid surgery at all cost because you can't unbreak a egg.Chiropractors have been treating lumbar disc problems for over 100 years.Disc take about 3 months to heal under the best of made not be in pain for that amount of time,however internally ,the rings that keep the center of the disc in place take that long.At my office,we use cold laser which will accelerate the healing process 3Xs faster.Also,you should get more manganses in your diet.We adjust the spine to alleviate the abnormal loading that is the root of disc problems.Misaligned vertebrae cause more pressure on the disc than normal.


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