The force of a low impact of 8mph is approximately 7 Gs.In whiplash the neck forms this type of curvature with lower level hyperextension and upper level flexion.The initial stage of healing for the muscolo skeletal soft tissue last up to 72 hours.The remodeling stage of healing can last up to 12 months or more.That's why I see a lot of accident patients sometimes 6 months after the accident because the patient didn't realize that they were healing abnormally and setting themselves for a chronic neck problem.A little known fact is auto insurance will pay up to 6 months of care for a patient with no symptoms,YET.Sounds crazy but as you know insurance companies don't like giving money away but they have been burned so many times in the past with facts that they have concluded that it's better off being safe than sorry.Whiplash is a serious condition and it occurs in less than a second.Chiropractors are the best health professionals to handle whiplash in my opinion because they address the realignment of the vertebrae back to their normal position thus taking away the abnormal laoding in the cervical spine.Let's not stop there.Do you think if the cervical spine is messed up it might transfer abnormal loading throughout the spine.Of course it does,in time.Chiropractors look at the whole picture because that's what we were trained to do.we will take you through the stages of healing so that you can return to the state of health before the accident.Unfortunately we usually see the patient months after the accident because people are usually stunned after the accident and the pain goes away initially only to come roaring back after some abnormal healing.I would encourage you or anyone you know to be checked on by a chiropractor after an accident because like I said in the initial sentence,7Gs is a lot of force. We use a variety of techniques,rehab, and therapies to help you heal as well as possible.I have taken many hours of education in the care for whiplash personally.I hope this blog reaches the people who need to know this and I would appreciate you sharing it so people don,t have to suffer needlessly.


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