Severe Lower Back Pain

I have severe low back pain and don't know what to do. I am bent sideways and can't straighten up. The MRI said that I have an annular tear in the nucleus polposus. What should I do? 

First thing to do is to ice your back for 20 minutes every 60 minutes with a thin towel between your skin and ice. Second, get a back brace so that you can support the soft tissue. Don't be confused that you have a back sprain / strain. If the pain gets worse when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or bear down like you're having a bowel movement, odds are you have a lumbar disc problem. If you lose control of your bowels or have foot drop, get to the emergency room quick. If the pain is extremely severe you're probably going to need pain medicine, steroids and muscle relaxers just so you can get to the chiropractor. Chiropractors adjust the vertebrae to create a negative pressure so that the nucleus polposus can slide back to it's normal position. Annular tears will take approximately 3 months to heal and you will be vulnerable for a setback during this time. Manganese and potassium facilitate the healing process of the disc. Your MD might suggest a epidural injection but be aware that your body knows what chemicals to produce at the right time to heal naturally which is always best. Epidurals can weaken the muscles and disc and accelerate the arthritic process in the future. 

At the Biss Clinic of Chiropractic, we use a variety of adjustments styles, traction, therapies, and cold laser to give your body the best chance to heal completely. I have seen more disc problems than I can remember in the 36 years of practice and we have a very high success rate. DO NOT jump into surgery right away because you can't un-crack an egg. Many people regret doing that and we see many post operative back surgery patients and have helped many. You must take control of your health situation because many MD's are knife crazy and don't believe in treating disc problems conservatively. I have heard a lot of bad advice about disc problems over the years. Did you know that most disc problems are precluded by a pelvic problem? When you use up all your slack and something has to give, often that's when you'll tear a disc. I will do a complete exam on you and if I don't think that you are
progressing well, I will send you to a specialist for a second opinion. Chiropractic first, drugs second, surgery last is a great creed to live by. 

My phone number is 724-864-5660 and I would be happy to talk to you about your situation.


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