
What should I do with my migraine headaches that don't want to go away? I am tired of taking the medication that my MD is giving me because it is starting to cause other problems and it doesn't seem to cure them. I've had an MRI and CT scan and nobody can tell me what is causing them and I don't know where to turn. I think it might be time for me to try chiropractic to see if they can help. Chiropractic at the Biss Clinic of Chiropractic can be gentle as a slot of people can't stand the idea of having their neck cracked. There are many ways to adjust patient without cracking their back and we do so by using the Thompson Technique

By using a drop headpiece, many patients feel no discomfort at all and many have received excellent results. I have been practicing since 1982 and my associate has also been practicing twenty-five years. Most headaches occur when the first two misalign in about 90% of the cases. I have had many patients that have suffered for years and had no relief until they started chiropractic Care. Chiropractic is different than medical care as we are looking for the root of the problem as opposed to covering up the symptoms with medication. Chiropractic releases your own body's healing powers that reside in your nervous just the other day a patient asked me if I remembered about the first time she came into my office. I had to admit that I had forgotten since she continues to come as she now understands how her body works. As you can guess, she had migraines for many years and she told me how they went away after her first adjustment. You see, I don't treat symptoms, I treat subluxations or misalignments of the spine. A misalignment for one person may show a completely different symtomotolgy for one person and be completely different for another person with the same subluxation.Often pain can manifest itself in one area and the main subluxation is in another. Pain can pop out anywhere. We do not chase pain.We chase nerve interference. Your body is dynamic and is always adapting to your environment.We remove nerve interference allowing your body to heal itself if it possible. Some people wait to long and sometimes it takes time.After 90 days of care , your body will be about as good as I can get you because of the 90 day cell replication.Your cells in your body constantly die off and are replaced with new ones.If you have nerve interference, your body is going to replicate with inferior or sick cells.Without nerve interference, your body can start building true health.That's why when you get the big idea, most patients continue chiropractic Care because you only get one body and life and chiropractic helps you get the most out of your time on Earth.Chiropractic goes way beyond back pain doctor and actually recent research has confirmed what chiropractors have been saying for decades.Now we have the studies and research on our side and it kind of makes NOT going to the chiropractor a bad life choice that many millions will regret if they only new. I hope you can get the results that you are seeking and try chiropractic for your health needs.Your body didn't come with a owner's manual but if it did , chiropractic would be in the first section.If you want to try Chiropractic ,we have realistic plans that are affordable for most people.Where are you going to turn too, Medicine is the third leading cause of death in this country.Logically chiropractic Care makes sense regardless of what your preconceived notions are.Get adjusted, remove nerve interference and get well.


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